06 Mar 2017

Length and Fractions

First and second class have been learning about length and fractions. Here they are working hard.   

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06 Mar 2017

Garda Visit

Garda Pat Gallagher visited the school to tell us all about his job. He even let us inspect his handcuffs and baton. Some of us would like to be guards when we grow up.

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06 Mar 2017


For Valentine’s day we made collage heart pictures and very cute lovebugs.

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06 Mar 2017

Recycling Creations

We collected recyclable materials such as cereal boxes, egg cartons etc. and made crazy creations. Here are some pictures of us trying to invent our works of art.

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06 Mar 2017

Christmas Activities

We were very busy coming up to Christmas. We made lots of crafts for the Christmas Craft Fair such as clay decorations, angels and cribs. Our play ‘Born in a Barn’ was a great success and everybody enjoyed themselves. We also made paper plate reindeer and snowman pictures.

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22 Nov 2016

Shopping Mad!

Here in first and second class we have been practising our shopping skills! We will be well able for helping with the Christmas shopping now. We have been learning about money and how to use it in our Crazy Prices shop.                             […]

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15 Nov 2016

Halloween in Ms. Mc Nulty’s class

We had great fun at halloween. We made pumpkin faces, masks and scary rice krispie squares! The last day before the holiday was very scary because everybody dressed up. We had a party and watched a halloween movie.                                   […]

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15 Nov 2016

2-D Shapes

First and second classes learned about shapes. We made 2-D shapes on the floor using our bodies!  

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15 Nov 2016

Bug Hunt

In September, we (Ms. Mc Nulty’s class) went on a bug hunt in the garden. We found lots of different creepy crawlies. We drew pictures of them and then went back to the classroom where we discovered what they were all called. The bugs we found included beetles, centipedes, spiders, woodlice and worms.

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