08 Nov 2017

Halloween Fun 2017

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30 Jun 2017

Celebrating Super Attendance!

Well done to all our pupils who received a certificate for excellent attendance at school this year. Keep up the great work everyone!

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11 Jun 2017

Water Safety Talk

Richard Gillespie (RNLI) came in to speak to all our pupils about water safety. He warned the boys and girls to never go into the water on their own. He told the children to look out for the flags that indicate it is safe to swim, to bring someone with them and always tell an […]

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15 May 2017

Junior Problem: Tomato Plants

How many tomato plants are there in the school? Estimate which is the tallest plant.

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15 May 2017

Senior Problem: The Tomato Plant

We need to feed our tomato plants each week from now on. The instructions on the tomato feed bottle says ’20mls to 4 litres of water’. How many mls do we need for 1 litre of water?

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15 May 2017

Frásaí na Seachtaine

Déanfaidh mé mo dhícheall! (I will try my best!)

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07 Apr 2017

Baking – Easter Surprise!

We put on our aprons, prepared our ingredients and got busy in the kitchen today. We made delicious Easter nests and put some tasty treats in each nest! Yummy!

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07 Apr 2017

February / March Newsletter

    All the news from a great second term… Happy Easter!

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06 Apr 2017

Green Fingers!

We had so much fun in the garden today. We planted potatoes, fennel and wildflowers. Our senior classes planted more vegetables and herbs also. We will have a very impressive garden in a few short months. Make sure to visit and see for yourselves!

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03 Apr 2017

Frásaí na Seachtaine

Bain triail as! (Give it a go / Have a try!)

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Upcoming Events

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