school holidays 2021-2022
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We have been tasting lots of different fruit and vegetables over the last few weeks. Every class in the school is taking part in the Food Dudes programme. The Food Dudes have been delivering fruit and vegetables for us to eat every day. We have won lots of stickers and prizes. We are now on […]
Our main event for catholic schools week was Grandparents Day. We put up some art work and poetry about our grandparents and invited them in for a prayer service. The children were very proud to introduce their grandparents to their friends and teachers. Everybody enjoyed the tea and cake afterwards! We also made St. Brigid’s […]
Mary Hickey from Wicklow is running the whole way around Ireland on her own to raise money for the RNLI. On 29th January she was running from Bundoran to Sligo so we decided we would cheer her on as she passed the school. She was delighted with the support and even stopped for some photos […]
In November we celebrated friendship/anti-bullying week. We took part in lots of fun activities including odd sock day, blue Friday and making a school friendship jigsaw.