Special Occasions

14 Mar 2017

Garda Pat’s Visit

We enjoyed a visit from Garda Pat Gallagher this week. We learned about the Garda uniform and utility belt, and asked lots of questions about Garda Pat’s job. We even got to try on a real Garda hat!

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28 Feb 2017

Pancake Tuesday 2017

We always enjoy Pancake Tuesday at Cliffoney N.S. and this year was no different. The children weighed and measured out all the ingredients and had great fun practicing their egg-cracking and mixing skills! The delicious pancakes went down a treat!

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22 Dec 2016

Scrooge… A Ghost of a Chance!

Our senior class performed Scrooge… A Ghost of a Chance at our Christmas Concert on Tuesday, 2oth December 2016. Well done to everyone on a super performance! Here’s a few snaps from the show… [gallery_bank type=”images” format=”masonry” title=”false” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort_by=”random” special_effect=”grayscale” animation_effect=”bounce” album_title=”false” album_id=”19″]

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22 Dec 2016

Born in a Barn

Ms. McNulty’s class presented Born in a Barn at the Christmas Concert. Another wonderful performance! [gallery_bank type=”images” format=”masonry” title=”false” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort_by=”random” special_effect=”grayscale” animation_effect=”bounce” album_title=”false” album_id=”18″]  

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22 Dec 2016

Christmas Nativity Play

Junior and Senior Infants preformed Whoops-a-Daisy Angel at the Christmas Concert in Cliffoney Hall on Tuesday, 20th December 2016. What a fabulous performance it was from our superstars! [gallery_bank type=”images” format=”masonry” title=”false” desc=”false” responsive=”true” display=”all” sort_by=”random” special_effect=”grayscale” animation_effect=”bounce” album_title=”false” album_id=”17″]  

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15 Nov 2016

Halloween in Ms. Mc Nulty’s class

We had great fun at halloween. We made pumpkin faces, masks and scary rice krispie squares! The last day before the holiday was very scary because everybody dressed up. We had a party and watched a halloween movie.                                   […]

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28 Oct 2016

Halloween Fun

We had great fun dressing up for Halloween. We played Halloween games and ate lots of Halloween treats. We also sang all our Halloween songs for our families. Over the last week, we did lots of Halloween art. We made scary witches, big black bats, bony skeletons and spider pictures. Teacher decorated the classroom and […]

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25 Oct 2016

Holy Door Pilgrimage

The senior room participated in the Holy Door Pilgrimage organised by the Diocese of Elphin on Tuesday 25th October. On a beautiful morning we arrived at Tobernalt Holy Well where we got a guided tour, afterwards we visited the Cathedral.

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